Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas from the Marshalls

An annonymous donor gave Ordinary Community a bunch of cash and so we handed out $100 to each family to have them give it away as a means of being missional. My wife and I matched our gift so we had a $200 budget and some creativity to to release. We talked it over with our kids and came up with 2 ideas.

1) Costco had a great deal on roses. So we bought 150 roses yesterday, stood outside Target and my kids gave them away to busy shoppers wishing them a Merry Christmas. It was fun, almost addicting. We could have done that for hours, it only took 30 minutes.

2) I also bought 20 $5 Starbucks cards. Today we will visit my grandmother in her alzheimers facility and hand them out to all the staff that has to work on Christmas day. With any leftovers, we'll find some other workers in the service industry at work on Christmas day.

That our kids associate Christmas more with giving than getting is not an easy task. I hope these attempts sow more seeds of Kingdom thinking within them.

May the peace and joy of Christmas fall upon each of you this day.

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