I've been in quite a rut of late, which you can judge by a total lack of blog posting. General unmotivations towards disciplines physically and spiritually. Could be the weather, constant grayness, ice, snow, rain etc. Although this weekend was very cool in that we got 15-16 inches of fresh snow and had a family weekend of just play and rest. It gave me a lot of downtime that I needed to ground myself, feel centered again and then begin to come to grips with better steps of transformation. Digging the snow out of my driveway is I suppose a metaphor of things I want to do to seek transformation. I want to dig out of the personal rut.
I want to increase my workouts from 1-2 days per week to 5-6 days, I miss the feeling of fitness. This will mean going to bed by 10:00 to get up by 5:30 or 6:00.
I want to slow down and read more, read anything. Newspaper, magazines, books, blogs. . . anything to feed the mind. This will mean less TV.
I want to blog more, write more of the thoughts that are bouncing around my heart and mind. Express what I'm feeling with words for a community to read and interact with.
I want to seek intentional times of silence and solitude. I'm looking for one day a month of intentional solitude for this extrovert to be quiet, create space and open my heart to God.
I want to date my wife more. Take some time for conversation and coffee to keep her informed of the dreams on my heart and listen to what's going on inside of her. When we talk, we tend to notice better the good things happening all around us and it always gives perspective.
Work is a crazy pace and there are so many unhealthy things outside of my control that I want to care about it less and focus on the places in my life that are redemptive and beautiful. I'm seeking a transformation in my attitude towards vocation.
To me, we are never done seeking Christ and His transformation. Becoming the people of God on earth is a high calling and I want to get back to some doable and simple steps of "monking in the real world". Creating space for God to do what God does, change us into His likeness.
stop and notice the Kingdom around you today,