Sunday, August 24, 2008

Monking at work?

Tomorrow i head back to work to give it a try in a different frame of mind. I'm thankful for this short sabbatical and thankful for the grace that follows me daily. I take comfort knowing I do not go back alone, but I go back in the communion of Christ. He goes before me, he is beside me and his grace follows me every step I take. Stress and anxiety are not Kingdom qualities, peace in Christ and His sufficiency is. Work however is a part of our life in this earthly realm, but it is to be done in communion with Christ, not according to our own selfish ambitions. There are many things at work that I cannot control, but my internal world, the world of my soul belongs to God and I want to remain in communion with Him there. I largely am just moving on in faith, no promises, no guarantees, just faith in the One who doesn't let me go. This job may or may not work out, but this I know, I will reign in God's Kingdom forever. That's a good thought.

Time to give monking in the real world another try.

Stop and notice the Kingdom around you today.


1 comment:

billbean said...

Looks like you've lost a bit of weight. I also love the hat!