Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday Night BBQ

Well its almost 1:00 a.m. and the last folk just left our house. Some of the students and I stayed late around the fire in the backyard talking of old times and more importantly, our life in the Kingdom now. I crave these kind of conversations, they center me right in the Story I want my life to be intertwined with. Friday night bbq's at our house are just our way of wanting to host Kingdom folk and seeing life happen. All the kids are loved, cherished and cared for by everybody. Adults are connecting at deep levels and the everyday levels. My students are constantly hungry for more understanding and its such an honor to be in a position of influence to them. Its a role I take very seriously. I will be baptizing a few of them on Sunday and its something I've been thinking about all week. How incredibly serious it is to take vows to Jesus in the company of witnesses.

I spoke earlier of seeking a new monasticism. I wonder if our Friday night bbqs aren't an ancient expression of the fellowship of the common meal. Life happens around a shared meal. My favorite place in the world is my backyard, at midnight, on a clear night, around a fire, talking the Kingdom of God with fellow followers of Jesus. This is Kingdom Now.


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