Friday, July 30, 2004

Privit! (Ukrainian for Greetings)

Palmer and I landed safely on Kiev soil after a 3 hour delay of our plane in London. Pretty smooth trip, let's just say it was good that us behemoths got exit row seats for each flight (thank you Jesus). The best line of that day was when we checked the flight boards to see what gate our Ukraine airlines flight left from, the board listed it as "wait in lobby".

We slept in the hotel last night rather soundly, its 7 hour difference from Ohio so the first night is important to get sleep. We spend all day with Ukranian pastors as the key speakers at their annual conference. Its funny, cuz its usually an American version of "church growth" kind of stuff, but 3 of us are all a part of leading house churches so it was not typical. All 4 lectures today were on spiritual formation and not how to easily grow your church through marketing schemes kind of stuff. In particular, Palmer brought the tasty stuff and it brought loads of questions from the crowd. He shared on prayer, community and hospitality, it was the highlight of my day. My favorite question was a guy who asked what book he got his model from. Palmer was nice though, and didn't give the obvious answer "errr, the Bible".

We have one more half day of teaching tommorrow then will be hanging with my sister church here in Kiev for 2 days. Palmer and I both will be speaking to their church community on Sunday morning (of which we were informed of today) but I'm not sure what we''ll be speaking on. The life of a traveling apostle is all about being on the spot. time in Kiev is good, but its an understatement to say that we can't wait to go to Northumbria and the rest of England.


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