Monday, August 09, 2004

ok, here's my last blog from England. we took a train to Cambridge today and saw one of the world's most famous universities and a very cool town to boot. i can't really communicate how tired we are. our knees are buckling, our joints hurt, we have nothing left in the reserves. the both of us got pretty dehydrated yesterday, it was 90 degrees and we were out all day walking. we cramped up pretty bad last night in bed and had nausea due to the lack of water. we buy bottled water just about everytime we see it but can't keep up with our bodies sweating. we will not backpack down to near Gatwick airport for a night of sleep and then home at last at 10:30 a.m.

this trip has been such a blessing. ive learned alot. ive listened to Abba whisper to me some instructions. ive experienced much. thank you to my wife especially for letting me go and be gone so long.
pray for our trip home, can't wait to see y'all. maybe friday night will have to be a bbq and missionary slide show. i have 200 digital pics to share.

rounding 3rd and heading for home,

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