Thursday, July 17, 2003

ok, its 1 a.m. and I'm downloading music to make a CD or 2 for my wife while I'm away on my traveling adventure. I keep listening to sappy songs and find myself falling in love with her all the time over and over again. She has been so good to me, an amazing compliment to all that I'm not. I brought (am bringing) so much baggage to our marriage and she just sticks by me, waits out my ups and downs and waits for me to grow up and mature some. She's an incredibly hard worker, amazing with kids, unbelievable talent when little ones are around. Ain't nobody that has a pure heart like hers. She is the "goodest" person I have ever met, I love that about her. With her, everyone gets the benefit of the doubt, everybody has value and worth, everybody is the child of God that she knows them to be. Mercy flows from her like a river, out of a pure heart and I am often the recipient. She is so sweet, her smile as radiant today as when I met her. I had to fight off a few suitors for her heart and now I am a man blessed beyond measure. Did I mention that she is beautiful? Did I mention that my 3 kids are head over heels in love with her too? Did I mention that her athletic talent was a rush to watch in college - 2 time all american in volleyball :) ?
as I chase the movement of your Spirit, would you remind me of the Kingdom come to my home? Help me to stop and pay attention to Nicole. help me to win her heart everyday with words, actions and real connection. help me to stop and enjoy what you've already provided instead of seeking ahead for some fleeting goal. She is a gift to me, that I be a good steward of her heart and trust. that I cherish her with all that I am, that I seek to serve her rather than be served. Amen.

I love you, Nicole. Life is so much fun with you, I'm so glad we found the Kingdom of God together. Let's take all the Grace we've been given, all the heart that we have, all the gifts that have come from heaven but lives in our bones, and let's pitch a tent in the middle of the enemy's territory and magnify the Kingdom there. Let's be agents of healing, protectors of the suffering, providers for the poor in spirit, teachers of the truth, encouragers amongst despair, family to the lonely, co-laborers in Christ.
With you by my side, I'll cash all my chips at the table and run this race with you. You have always been the love of my life, sorry I don't say it enough. Receive the renewal of my vows this night.


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