Thursday, December 16, 2004

One more day and I'm on the welcomed 2 week teacher christmas break. I must say that the work schedule for being a teacher is pretty sweet sometimes. The downside is dealing w/ self-absorbed/obnoxious teens and payday, but the hours are great.

Had good coffee conversation last night w/ Klinefelter, G. Johnson and C. Canipe. Discussed a myriad of topics including the emerging attention from large, established Christian organizations towards simple church structures. We'll have to see how this all plays out because its not a different model, its a different worldview altogether. To not see that is to not see the issues.

Been shorting myself sleep every night this week and its catching up w/ me. Glenn and I went to a late showing of "oceans 12" last night. It was okay, I fell asleep 4 times from exhaustion.

peace to your day,

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