Friday, March 10, 2006

Chad Canipe, our brother has passed

As of about 7:00 this morning, my friend Chad Canipe crossed over to Kingdom fullness. We're incredibly sad, confused and hurt, but Chad has gone before us. We yearn to be where he is. We're making plans for a memorial at around 10:00 a.m. at St. Elizabeths in Norwood on Sunday. He was an amazing friend to me, so solid, so loyal.

Please pray for Renee, Colon and Aidan. Pray away the darkness so that they can mourn in peace. Its so overwhelming to lose someone like Chad, don't let the enemy bring despair to their hearts. Pray for peace, pray for presence, pray for Kingdom space to heal.

Tonight we gather to remember and celebrate life, the way Chad lived with us.


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