Sunday, March 12, 2006

Chad's Memorial

Today at 10:00 at St. Elizabeth's here in Cincy we had the Memorial service for Chad Canipe. It was pretty amazing. The worship just lifted the room, the stories brought laughter and deep truths, the communion shared together made us realize the thin place between this world and the next. A huge thanks to all who made it happen, there are so many. The hope in the room lifted the cloud of darkness and gave room for the family to grieve in peace.

Yesterday, 10 of us gathered at 64 King in Columbus to pray for Palmer and give counsel to the Landing Place kids. It was a very fruitful time of community and intercession. At times our prayers were intense and in the Spirit. Palmer spent the night in the hospital and he is there now in great suffering. They are trying to make him comfortable, but his body is not responding. Amy finds herself alone at times to wait with him, please lift her up. I have not been released by the Holy Spirit to pray for anything else but his rising out of this sickness. So even tonight in my exhaustion, I pray for God to touch him and cause him to RISE. And when He does, we will let it ring over the earth.

There is so much to share from this weekend, but I'm so tired. In the midst of our suffering, God's Kingdom was exploding all around us. It is so rich to live in the ways of Jesus, suffering can't even touch it. I'll share more when I'm rested.

For tonight, Lord, let Palmer RISE!


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