Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Sad news from one of my good Kingdom friends. Amidst the beauty of Kingdom come, I at times hate living in a fallen world.

Ian David Reider

Ian David was born at 6:31pm March 5th. His first 45 minutes he fought for life as a dozen doctors and nurses gave him breath and chest compressions. He nearly died in his first hour. He was born with severe hydrops (large amounts of fluids in his body) and this caused his lungs to not carry oxygen efficiently. He was "stable but very sick" for the past 3 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit but seemed to be becoming more independent every few hours. This morning (Monday, March 8th at 4:45am) the doctor called us to the hospital becuase his condition was weakening. We arrived at 5:20am to see 8 doctors huddled around his incubator- again, they were breathing for him and giving him chest compressions. For some reason his oxygen was being replaced by carbondioxide and his heart rate was barely 30bpm. They inceassed his oxygen intake, replaced chest tubes and many other things. They told us that he was failing and they could do no more for him. He died at about 5:25am. There is an ache in our hearts that cannot be described by words, melodies or colors. Please pray for our family.

Robbie, Dana & Olson

1 comment:

herbalwellspring said...

Quite effective info, lots of thanks for the article.